PAY WHAT YOU WANT (PWYW) - An Explanation:

It is coming up to 10 years where my art practice has been driven by the endeavor to combine animal welfare material with geometric art, and to do this in a non-representative or abstract manner. Perhaps it was the challenge of embarking on a MFA Degree that pushed me to challenge my aesthetic and to incorporate a more personal content.

It was not the first time that I had wanted to put animal rights content into my art. Not long into my change of career, I painted a cow with blood squirting from its throat and mixing on the ground with the milk spurting from it’s udders. This artwork made it into a competition, and when I went to see it, I overheard, a women saying “oh that poor cow”. This was solace at play. At this juncture, when studying, I wanted to investigate how geometric art could engage with the subject matter. During this, I came across a statement by the philosopher Jean-François Lyotard, that ran along the lines ….’that there is no creative way to represent animal rights material by means of solace and pleasure.’ I accepted this statement as a challenge, and pushed to investigate it through non representational geometric art. Essentially, all the socio cultural/political and animal rights content would be embedded in the formal elements of line, shape, colour, and materials.

My final presentation divided the examiners, and I walked away with a medium pass. Such was the risk of taking on this topic, but for me it opened up many creative paths and since this time I have continued to find ways to represent this material through paintings, drawing, digital art, installations, murals, and 3D works. Some of these have won awards, and many have been selected for award exhibitions. This has been a rewarding experience to know that art I have made with the incorporated ideas has had a nationwide level of exposure.

This PWYW page aims to continue with this momentum of exposure with the intention that it is not just through exhibition, but also through purchase and donation of some or in some instance all of the proceeds received to go to animal welfare groups. In short the goal is: to give back ethically as well as financially! It will also help me to continue to make art, and to keep the cycle going. If you have made it this far, I am pleased and I welcome you to this concept. The number of purchase/donate options will increase over time, but please if you do see something you like and it’s not in the format that suits, get in touch and we can work to find a solution. This page is all about giving what you can, but also I want you to get an artwork that’s right fit for you. I am passionate about my art and value it immensely and want it to help where it can and in saying this, please note all my artwork is under copyright, and any display and/or printing is for private use and non-commercial gain. Should your intention differ, again, please get in touch.

Payment options: Please use the DONATE button below or use the FORM provided at check out when downloading the file. Thank you!
